Ethiopians Celebrate 17th National Flag Day, With Theme of Unity and Sovereignty

OCTOBER 14, 2024 — Today marks the celebration of Ethiopia’s 17th National Flag Day, celebrated at the premise of the House of People’s Representatives (HPR) under the theme “Our Flag for Our National Unity, Sovereignty, and the Elevation of Ethiopia”, the Ethiopian News Agency (ENA) reports.

In a speech for the occasion, President Taye Atske-Selassie highlighted the Ethiopian flag as a powerful symbol of unity that preserved through the sacrifices of its forefathers and continues to inspire many African countries in their fight for independence.

Ambassador Mesganu Arga, the State Minister for Foreign Affairs, stated that National Flag Day is a historic occasion to renew the country’s commitment to unity, sovereignty, and territorial integrity, while also honoring those who sacrificed their lives in defense of the homeland.

According to the World Factbook, Ethiopia, the oldest independent country in Africa, has a long tradition of nation-building. Its flag, adopted in the late 19th century, became a symbol of Pan-Africanism, as its colors—green, yellow, and red—were later adopted by many African nations.

The current version of the flag, with a central emblem featuring a blue disk, yellow pentagram, and rays, was introduced in 1996. Each element has significance: green represents hope and the fertility of the land, yellow stands for justice and harmony, red symbolizes the sacrifice and heroism of the people, while the blue disk symbolizes peace, and the pentagram signifies the unity and equality of Ethiopia’s nationalities.

Image: Public domain