New Poll Shows Majority of Mainers Oppose State Flag Change

Proposed flag of Maine featuring a pine tree

NOVEMBER 2, 2024 — A SurveyUSA poll released on Friday, November 1, shows that 52% of Maine voters oppose changing the state flag, with only 33% in favor and 15% undecided, Bangor Daily News reported.

The question asks voters whether they support replacing the current Maine state flag—featuring the state seal on a blue background—with a new design that depicts a pine tree and star on a buff-colored field.

The poll, commissioned by electoral reform group FairVote and the Bangor Daily News, finds that Republican voters remain the least supportive of the change, while Democratic voters – though evenly split on the issue – are more likely to favor it. However, independents show levels of opposition nearly as high as Republicans.

An earlier poll by Pan Atlantic Research, conducted in September, reported a 40% support rate for the new flag design, with another 40% opposed and 20% undecided.

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