Northern Ireland Flag Debate for Commonwealth Games Draws Political Reaction

NOVEMBER 26, 2024 — A proposal to replace the Ulster Banner and the Union flag with a new, inclusive flag for Northern Ireland at future Commonwealth Games has sparked political opposition from at least one Northern Irish politician, Ireland Live reports.

Northern Ireland’s Minister for Communities, Gordon Lyons, who oversees sporting matters and is a member of the Democratic Unionist Party, expressed his dissatisfaction with the proposal reportedly under consideration by Commonwealth Games Northern Ireland.

Lyons stated he was not consulted on the matter and voiced opposition to the initiative, citing the potential for unnecessary controversy.

“I have to say, I believe that the campaign we are currently hearing about is ill-advised at best,” Lyons said. “I was concerned to learn about the discussion and consideration of changing the flag. As we have seen at the Olympics, our athletes have always kept their focus on sport and politics wasn’t made anything of.”

“Unfortunately, I think politics has been dragged into this now. If I had been consulted, I would have made it very clear that I do not think that we should be upsetting the status quo,” he stated, adding that “it’s best for everyone involved if this was just to be put to bed.”

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