Guanajuato Flag Marks 1st Birthday in Flag Day Celebrations

DECEMBER 21, 2024 — The 201st anniversary of Guanajuato’s declaration as a free and sovereign state of Mexico was celebrated yesterday, coinciding with the second Flag Day of the state, Zona Franca reports.

The event, held in the capital, was briefly overshadowed when the state flag was mistakenly raised upside-down during the ceremony.

The celebrations took place at the Glorieta Santa Fe, says El Pípila, where state, municipal, and federal officials gathered to commemorate the occasion.

During the initial flag-raising, members of the State Public Security Forces (FSPE) inadvertently positioned the Guanajuato state flag incorrectly. The error was promptly corrected moments later.

Governor Libia Dennise García Muñoz Ledo, speaking at the ceremony, highlighted Guanajuato’s historical significance as a pioneer in Mexico’s federalist system. She emphasized the importance of preserving the state’s legacy and passing its values of freedom and sovereignty to future generations.

“This flag is more than just a symbol; it is a manifestation of our love, identity, and pride for our land,” García said. She also called on citizens to continue striving for the betterment of the state, adding, “Let our hearts beat strongly with pride for Guanajuato, inspiring us to become the best version of ourselves.”

She also extended wishes for a reflective holiday season and a prosperous new year for all families in Guanajuato, according to El Otro Enfoque.

The date also marked the first anniversary of the official adoption of the state flag, which became a recognized symbol on December 20, 2023.

Image: Zona Franca and Mexicanero (CC BY 4.0)
